Tong Ho Big Leaf (Garland Chrysanthemum) 大叶茼蒿 Sayur Kekwa Daun Besar


Tong Oh Big Leaf is a popular Asian greens that only requires partial sunlight. An easy to grow plant that can be eaten as microgreens and baby greens. Tender, tasty and aromatic leaves are great for stir-frying and in soup. Rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Harvest the young shoots a few inches from the top will promote the growth of new shoots and can be harvested multiple times. Matured Tong Ho is bitter, tough and is richer in flavour.

大叶茼蒿有蒿之清气、菊之甘香。大叶茼蒿叶片大而肥厚, 淡绿色, 质地柔嫩且纤维少。芳香的叶子非常适合炒菜和煲汤。富含矿物质、维生素和抗氧化剂。收割时可摘其嫩叶,茼蒿会继续长出新叶, 可多次采收。

Sayur Kekwa Daun Besar adalah sayuran hijau yang hanya memerlukan pendedahan separuh cahaya matahari. Mudah ditanam, daun yang lembut, enak dan beraroma sesuai untuk digoreng dan sup. Kaya dengan mineral, vitamin dan antioksidan. Tuai pucuk muda beberapa inci dari bahagian atas akan mendorong pertumbuhan pucuk dan boleh dituai beberapa kali. Sayur Kekwa Daun Besar yang matang berasa pahit dan keras.

Additional information

Weight 0.003 kg
Dimensions 0.5 cm

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