Want to start gardening activity with your children but don’t know where to start?
Atom & the Dot offers fun-filled activities and hands-on experiences aimed at children, all from a box. Each box is filled with materials and instructions for arts and science inspired activities and experiments. Get your kids into gardening with the “Lazy Gardener” set, featuring seeds from Trio. These plants will germinate and grow quickly, bringing lots of excitement and fun while teaching them concepts about plants and science.

Click here to get yourself a set of The Lazy Gardener from Atom & the Dot.
*while stocks lasts!
Atom & the Dot offers fun-filled activities and hands-on experiences aimed at children, all from a box. Each box is filled with materials and instructions for arts and science inspired activities and experiments. Get your kids into gardening with the “Lazy Gardener” set, featuring seeds from Trio. These plants will germinate and grow quickly, bringing lots of excitement and fun while teaching them concepts about plants and science.

*while stocks lasts!