KitCoBin composting is anaerobic process to recycle your food waste into powerful fertilizer to feed your garden without attracting insects or rodents. You will need an air tight bucket with a tap/spigot at the bottom and some bio booster/ compost starter.
2 steps: 1. Fermenting your waste, 2.Bury into soil to complete the process
Step by step
STAGE 1: Fermenting or pickling your waste.
- Sprinkle a handful of bio booster starter in the bucket, add in your food waste. Sprinkle another layer of bokashi starter and close the lid tightly.
The waste should be around 1″ thick. If more than 1 “, separate them into layers. If less than 1”, sprinkle lesser bokashi starter. Repeat the same process each time you add in waste.
Waste can be added in as-and-when you have waste.
If you have very little waste, it’s ok for you to keep them in the freezer to accumulate them.
Keep on adding n piling till the bin is full.
- Bio booster Juice/leakage
If you keep on adding in food waste everyday, by the 4th day, there will be some juice. Drain the juice 2x a week. This juice is a very powerful fertilizer. But that also depends on what you put in the bin. Stuffs like meat will turn into amino acid, bones will leach out calcium n so on… to use: dilute 5 ml to 1 liter of water. Try to use them up within the first 24 hours after extraction for best efficacy.
Excess juice can use to unclog sinks / drains/ toilets.
- STAGE 2:
Transfer to ground
When the bin is full, what I normally do is, I will put a sticker on top of the lid. The waste takes 2 weeks to finish the fermentation process. Try not to open the lid at this stage. – (2 weeks is the minimum. Can store longer if you wished to)
Once it has finished the fermentation process, transfer to the ground. Don’t be alarmed if the waste still remain as the same shape or size. Because in the bin, it’s being pickled. ( just like a pickled cucumber in a jar)
Dig a hole or a trench about 1ft deep. Pour the waste in the trench and loosen up the waste by mixing with some soil. Top up with 3-4 inches of soil and It will take approximately 2 weeks for the waste to be fully composted. Once composted, you can either plant on the spot or use the compost to top up on your existing planter box or pots.